From 2015: For those listening carefully in the House chamber, Pope Francis will have presented some quandaries that they are more ready to ignore than to engage.
Little of the critique mounted by Fountain qualifies as entirely original, but Fountain’s voice invests his testimony with an authority that commands respect
The grass-roots vitality Trump has unleashed against him in just a month is already close to matching the positive enthusiasm Obama nurtured in his 2008 campaign.
It will be said that Trump was elected and thus deserves some benefit of the doubt. Isn’t it rash to declare him unfit after so little time? The answer is no.
To support repeal of Obamacare without replacement is to support taking health care away from tens of million Americans, knowing they’ll be left high and dry.
The weeks since Donald Trump’s inauguration have offered a mix of extremism and ineptitude that has vindicated the darkest suspicions about how he would govern.
We have entered a time of authoritarian leadership that exalts the powerful and disdains the weak and vulnerable. This is the antithesis of Christianity.
Judging from Donald Trump’s cabinet choices, it turns out that a narcissistic billionaire who doesn’t pay taxes might not be a working-class champion after all.
Here’s what bothers me: Long before Trump came along we were entirely free to say merry Christmas to each other. Our political leaders could say it, too.
Nothing would do more to energize social-justice movements than a broad-based coalition able to break through the impasse of abortion politics in the United States.
What might be more important about Trump’s election is that the phenomenon seems part of a broader “populist” movement sweeping through most advanced countries.
That the senior ranks of the incoming Trump administration have taken on a military hue is both logical and deeply troubling. It should give Americans pause.
Supporters said Donald Trump would surround himself with competent people and not just diehard loyalists and bomb-throwers. For the most part, this hasn’t happened.
Donald Trump’s cavalier and arrogant response to the CIA’s finding that Russia actively intervened in our election only deepens our fears about his win.
Humility for journalists means knowing when we don’t know. Empathy requires seeing the world through many lenses. Those basic journalistic values got lost in 2016.
My gnawing question about Trump voters, especially the dispossessed white working-class ones: Did they vote for Trump because he was Trump, or despite it?
That speech itself took a beating in the 2016 election is troubling. But Clinton and Trump were not singularly to blame: Both candidates embodied longer-term trends.
Bishop George Berkeley was one of the most interesting men of his age. Even today, his philosophical maxims are correctives to the abuses of patriotism.
After the spectacle of 2016, it is well to remember that popular agitation, exaggerated expectations, and deep divisions have long been part of the nation’s history.