‘Laudate Deum’ does not merely restate Pope Francis’s commitment to the environment. It calls us with greater urgency to change the systems feeding climate change.
In Cambodia, a local environmental group is fighting to protect the Mekong River and rainforest ecosystems from well-funded, government-backed threats.
“The Advent season prepares us to see the incarnation with the Passion in mind. God is all-powerful and in the incarnation is all-vulnerable. Both things are true.”
The wildfires raging on the West Coast are part of a broader, climate change–induced pattern. We must respond with real solutions, not just mitigation.
Viruses may not be alive, but they are lively. A close look at how they replicate reveals an interconnected picture not just of human life, but of all reality.
God is everywhere; for those who do not find him so easily in church pews, the ocean shore or a patterned turtle shell may be places to seek his presence.
Theodore Roszak’s work was more than an apologia for 60s counterculture. It was one of the era’s most impassioned attempts to revitalize the utopian imagination.
As their country burns, tens of thousands of Australians have taken to the streets to protest the government’s response and its inaction in combating global warming.
In an old-growth forest, everything is connected. No individual plant or animal, and indeed no species, is an island. As Pope Francis warns, we should pay attention.
What we find outside are physical manifestations of the holy, representative of the sloughing off of old skin, the salt of blood and the sea, signs of the divine.
What is a home? And what happens when old patterns of life break down? British writer and former environmental activist Paul Kingsnorth grapples with these questions, and shares his responses.
Despite occasionally sincere, sometimes ritualistic, expressions of communion with Rome, the effort to neuter Pope Francis’s message in the United States continues.
The synod on the Amazon will be remembered as the moment that bishops gathered in Rome asked the pope to ordain married men in order better to serve the poor.
In this installment, we take a back-to-the-earth approach, reading a Japanese treatise on natural farming alongside an Italian film about rural peasant life.
The recent UN report on the rapid loss of biodiversity failed to arouse our concern. But endangered ecosystems reflect our gravely sinful habits of consumption.
To understand the contradictions of the Trump era, look no further than West Virginia. Once solidly pro-union and democratic, the state risks forgetting its past.