It is worth stopping to reflect on what Francis has described as “the very foundation of the church’s life,” now, while the Year of Mercy remains fresh in our minds.
Michael McCarthy's lifetime of engagement with the natural world—fueled by joy and wonder—is recounted in this book of memoir, reportage, and natural history.
The most important moral crisis of the twenty-first century may be a leading priority for Pope Francis, but it barely registers on the U.S. political radar.
The U.S. bishops' 'Faithful Citizenship' has turned out to be irrelevant to the most pressing moral and practical questions raised by the 2016 presidential contest.
In their respective books, Jason Moore and Jedediah Purdy both reckon with ecological disaster under capitalism. But John Ruskin knew something they don't.
We never admitted that the lake was terrifying, that it was a dark, alluring, fearful hole in the world, more grim than serene. We never said the word “drown."
Though the Philippines’ poor have contributed the least to the nation’s climate-related crises, it is they who have lost the most, and who stand to lose still more.
When we consider "Laudato si’" and the call to conserve resources and strive for a just world, placing antibiotics on the list for conservation is not a stretch.
Even the eagle is deep / into dailyness // acts as if safe, & is silly / during its courtship rituals // spends days / inspecting / impregnable building sites...
He flies only to scurry along another / reach of surf where he / pricks the cold for / prey smaller / than grains of prose. The freedom / to guess right is his...
Mighty planet Earth / orbits to order, its greenest blues / attractive, to make our / life-giving aerial envelope / lawful, obedient, singing. / It turns...
A fixation on slashing government spending on services without regard to the effect on the basic well-being of citizens helped bring the Flint crisis about.
The environmental movement gets criticized for neglecting social and economic injustice. But California is seeking to align climate and economic policy-making.