Pope Francis is calling for bold and creative solutions to all the problems that inhibit the church’s mission. The priest shortage is one of the most glaring
The parallel legitimacy of the non-reformed and reformed liturgies has caused and perpetuated confusion and division in the church. How did this happen?
Who is behind the poster campaign to smear the pope in Rome? His conservative opponents within the church, or his nationalist and far-right political foes?
Since Francis stripped Burke’s duties as his personal representative to the Order of Malta, what are his options for dealing with this trouble-making cardinal?
The Vatican reaffirmed a controversial directive that excludes “persons with deep-seated homosexual tendencies” from being admitted to Catholic seminaries.
There is deep malaise among people who work in the curia about whether or not Francis’s reforms will improve working conditions for its over 3000 lay employees.
As Pope Francis gave the red hat to thirteen new papal electors and four others, he faced very public criticism from four cardinals and an Australian journalist.
As U.S. Catholic leaders elect the latest head of its national conference, there are few signs that they are willing to embrace the pastoral priorities of the pope.
The prospect of a Trump presidency has sent shivers up the spines of most officials in the Vatican, though Americans who work in the Curia feel differently.
Francis has made it clear he wants to renew the John Paul II Institute by developing the guidelines in “Amoris Laetitia,” which traditionalists have criticized.
Has the pope picked predominantly “progressive” prelates as the latest cardinal-electors? Or is it that the so-called “center” has shifted since John Paul II?
Whomever the Jesuits discern to be their next Father General, they should consider his skills in dealing with conflict. Especially with higher Church authority.
A phrase that many people in the last pontificate ridiculed as an unthinking, trendy-lefty capitulation to religious syncretism is fully back in vogue in the Church.
Pope Francis declared that Fr. Hamel was a martyr. In the Vatican’s norms for saint-making that means one is already eligible to be formally declared “blessed.”
Pope Francis may have named Fr. Pizzaballa an archbishop and temporary seat-holder of a patriarchate precisely in order to succeed the ambitious Cardinal Scola.
There won’t be “reform of the reform” after all. Francis shakes up the Vatican’s financial management, chooses new (lay, non-Italian) leadership at the press office.
As the CDW sets up a new commission, is there hope for Vatican II Catholics that the pope will firmly resist any attempts to roll back the clock on those reforms?
Despite allowing a study on the female deaconate, the pope seemed to rule out any new structure in the church that would concretely incorporate women’s voices.
Criticism and applause for Francis’s newly created process to try bishops accused of covering up sex abuse; Where have certain “bad” bishops from the U.S. ended up?
Francis holds first private talks at Vatican with Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb; Former aide to Bishop-emeritus of Rome claims Ratizinger never really resigned as pope
The truth (and history) behind the pope’s comments on a commission to “clarify” the role of women deacons; Italian bishops react to Italy legalizing same-sex unions.
Pope calls for change in economic theory and practice to deal with refugees in Europe while Rome’s Augustinian Institute unveils “Master in Joseph Ratzinger” degree.
Francis reforms the “evangelical spirit” of the church as a rumored eighty-five percent of cardinals in the Curia disapprove, many because of his work with refugees.
Pope Francis appoints new archbishop of Havana, releases new document on the laity in the church (in Spanish), and rumors say McDonald’s is opening in Vatican city.