....especially if you live in Pennsylvania. The NYTimes has been running an impressive series on hydrofracking and its impact on air, water, and land use. Today's installment looks at the impact on drinking water and the treatment of the wastewater involved in the fracking process (releasing natural gas from seams thousands of feet below the surface by cracking open shale which holds the gas deposits).A big part of the story includes the lobbying of oil and gas corporation to keep their drilling from federal regulation and the Clean Water Act requirements. The companies are dumping their waste water with toxic chemicals and radioactive elementsinto the ground and into treatment plants generally unable to detoxify them. Current drilling in Pennsylvania is the focus of much of the data the Times has been publishing (great map of toxic sites!) . Today's story on water. Complete series.

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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