In Jesus of Nazareth, Part Two: Holy Week, Pope Benedict writes:

Saint John's whole Passion narrative is built on this connection between humble service and glory (doxa): it is in Jesus' downward path, in his abasement even to the Cross, that God's glory is seen, that the Father and, in him, Jesus are glorified.

The great opening chorus of Bach's Saint John Passion is a magnificent recapitulation of the Johannine vision:

Lord, our sovereign Lord, whose Glory fills the whole earth, show us by your Passion that You, the true Son of God, are glorified in every time, even in deepest need and humiliation.

Nikolaus Harnoncourt performs it here with the Toelzer Boys Choir.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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