Every year, the National Catholic Register comes out with a Catholic identity list. Some of these schools are considered "New Catholic Colleges," some are not. What makes a school authentically Catholic? According to the NCR, at least some of these features: 

  • The university president takes an "Oath of Fidelity"
  • The majority of trustees are Catholic
  • Theology professors have the Mandatum, and take the "Oath of Fidelity"
  • "Advocates" of stem cell research, euthanasia and abortion are excluded as recipients of honorary degrees and as commencement speakers
  • Co-ed dorms are banned

There are currently 37 colleges and universities on the list, which can be found here: http://www.ncregister.com/site/article/catholic-identity-college-guide-…

What do you think about the list? Is it good for Catholic higher education, or not?

Robert Geroux is a political theorist.

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