Thank you for some insightful comments. Here's another short contribution, followed by a call for your input. I'd like to continue the conversation, albeit in a slightly different vein.

Many of you are familiar with the Cardinal Newman Society. Some of you mentioned it in your comments. In an article from the CNS website entitled "Colleges Need Better Measures of Catholic Identity, Study Finds," I found this claim:

“Catholic families should be able to hold Catholic educators accountable, with meaningful information,” said Patrick J. Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society, which commissioned the study. “That requires research that assesses whether students at Catholic colleges are growing in the Catholic faith—and not some undefined spirituality.”

Parents holding Catholic educators accountable? What would this look like, exactly? How would it affect the process of intellectual inquiry and instruction? What about academic freedom? I'm happy to hear from students and parents, but this is really directed to Catholic educators: What are your thoughts about being "held accountable" by "Catholic families"?

(the CNS article can be found here:…


Robert Geroux is a political theorist.

Also by this author

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