We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. This is how the spirit of truth and of error is known (1 Jn 4:6) Now he has our attention: whoever knows God hears; whoever doesnt know him doesnt hear, and this is what distinguishes between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. Lets see what he is about to teach, what we must listen to from him. Beloved, let us love one another. Why? Because some man is saying it? Because love is from God. It is a great commendation of love when he says that it is from God; but he has more to say, and lets listen carefully. He just said, Love is from God, and everyone who loves is born from God and has known God. One who does not love, does not know God. Why? Because God is love. What more could be said? If nothing else were said in praise of love in all the pages of this Epistle, if nothing else at all were said in all the other pages of Scripture, and we were to hear only this one thing from the voice of Gods Spirit, God is love, we would not have to seek anything more. (Augustine on I John, Hom. 7, 4; PL 35, 2031

Rev. Joseph A. Komonchak, professor emeritus of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America, is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of New York.

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