An essay from a nun seeking forgiveness from a former student, a series of pieces on seminary training and sexual formation, and an in-depth critical examination of William Deresiewicz’s book Excellent Sheep: these were some of the stories you helped make the most read on the Commonweal website in 2015. Below, the complete list of our ten most read stories of the year.

Inside the Seminary (Paul Blaschko)

Pope Francis: Married Priests ‘On My Agenda,’ ‘Reform of the Reform,’ Not So Much (Grant Gallicho)

The Liberal Arts vs. Neoliberalism: A Review of William Deresiewicz’s Excellent Sheep (Jackson Lears)

Clerical Errors: How We’re Training Our Priests? A Three-Part Feature (Paul Blaschko, Barbara Parsons, and Mary Gautier)

Lenten Reflections 2015 (Joseph A. Komonchak)

Contraception & Honesty (Peter Steinfels)

Twin Cities Archdiocese Charged with Child Endangerment (Grant Gallicho)

Any Liberals for Religious Freedom? (Peter Steinfels)

Late Confession: A Nun Remembers Her Most Troubled Student (Francine Dempsey)

The Enduring George Weigel Problem (Anthony Annett)

Dominic Preziosi is Commonweal’s editor. Follow him on Twitter.

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