If you're sitting at home thinking, "Gosh, what I'd really love for Christmas is to see some video footage of my favorite dotCommonweal contributors discussing Pope Francis," I bring you glad tidings of great joy. Our own Michael Peppard appeared on MSNBC on December 21 to talk Francis with Joy Reid and some other panelists. You can see the results here (talking about Francis's new approach to the papacy), here (on his economic teachings, and right-wing freakouts over same), and here (on Francis's concern for the environment).

Meanwhile, yours truly had a long chat with Michael Brendan Dougherty for Bloggingheads, about our reactions to Francis, our hopes for his pontificate, and the likelihood of his mending (or reinforcing) the entrenched culture-war divisions in the American Church. You can watch, or download an audio file for your listening pleasure, here. (I must apologize for the poor lighting on my end. I was broadcasting from the only room in my house where you can't hear the kids.)

Mollie Wilson O’​Reilly is editor-at-large and columnist at Commonweal.

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