Article Why Are We There? By The Editors September 21, 2009 Editorial Middle East Barack Obama Foreign Affairs
Article 'Abortion Neutral'? By The Editors September 4, 2009 Editorial Abortion Domestic Affairs Economy Health Care U.S. Catholicism
Article In Defense of Politics Benedict's first encyclical, anchored in the terms solidarity and subsidiarity, demands greater charity in our economic structures. By The Editors August 10, 2009 U.S. Catholicism Economy Editorial Health Care Pope Benedict XVI Theology
Article Griefs & Anxieties The catechetical and pastoral challenges facing the pope and bishops are daunting, making it all the more troubling that Rome is preoccupied with insular concerns. By The Editors February 23, 2009 Editorial Jewish-Christian Relations Pope Benedict XVI
Article The Bishops & Obama By The Editors November 26, 2008 Barack Obama Bishops Editorial Domestic Affairs
Article Bishops & the Election By The Editors September 18, 2008 Bishops Editorial Abortion Domestic Affairs U.S. Catholicism
Article The Gift of Hope In this encyclical on hope, Benedict's marked intelligence, generosity, and clarity of spirit appeals to believers and nonbelievers alike. By The Editors December 17, 2007 Editorial Pope Benedict XVI