Article Benedict in Brazil Visiting Brazil for a meeting with the CELAM, Benedict talks ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, and the need for better Catholic evangelization. By The Editors May 28, 2007 Editorial Pope Benedict XVI
Article Benedict on Islam An intellectual and still new to the papacy, what does Benedict’s apology for the ill-conceived remarks made about Islam in an academic lecture suggest about him? By The Editors October 2, 2006 Editorial Muslim-Christian Relations Pope Benedict XVI
Article The Wrong Punishment By The Editors April 17, 2006 Editorial Foreign Affairs Muslim-Christian Relations
Article A Distinctive Voice A survey of reactions upon the promulgation of Benedict’s first encyclical in light of its content and tone. By Admin February 6, 2006 Editorial Pope Benedict XVI
Article A Hospitable Place By Admin January 9, 2006 Editorial Jewish-Christian Relations Pope Benedict XVI