Silliness aside, what do you give for Christmas? Scrooges can harrumph that it's hyper-commercialized, yes, but Christmas has always been that way. Done properly, there is a great joy in giving (and receiving) an actual material gift, but of course the economy and other consierations make it difficult to know what is the "proper" gift to give, or receive. Amid the ridiculous catalog avalanche the other day was one with interesting "earth-friendly" objets, many made in countries where they (hopefully) benefited native workers and subsidized indigenous crafts. But the catalog was so so slick and the items as expensive as Williams-Sonoma I wanted to gag. Books are of course always good--any in particular?--and the greatest gift of all, of course, is a Commonweal subscription for $39!Donating to a worthy cause in someone's name is virtuous, but a bit astringent for most of us arrested adolescents on Christmas morning. Any other serious, engaged, thoughtful practices and traditions out there?PS: Gold would have been a great gift a couple years ago. It's doubled in price, I think. Not sure what one does with myrrh.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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