The partial solutions of Biden’s economic program fell short of a foundation for a new social contract. But turning the page on Bidenism would be a mistake.
“No more standing ovations for war criminals. No more empty warnings behind closed doors. And no more weapons for the collective punishment of an entire people.”
Democrats have been in denial about Biden’s deteriorating condition for a long time. The debate made it obvious that they can no longer afford such complacency.
Bidenomics suffers from an overriding sense of incompleteness—to the detriment of workers’ security, our democracy, and Biden’s chances of winning in November.
It may seem ageist or unkind. But Americans should be forgiven their hesitancy in returning someone who will be eighty-two years old to the nation’s highest office.
The GOP remains a party designed to convert the cultural grievances of white working-class voters into low taxes for the wealthy and austerity for the poor.
El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz speaks with Commonweal about his meeting with Joe Biden—and what leaders in Washington need to know about the reality on the border.
Corporate executives are artificially hiking prices and bringing in windfall profits. It’s time to break up the consolidated economic power of our “new gilded age.”
Systemic and partisan barriers have slowed our progress against the pandemic, dragging out the crisis. But as we seek a return to “normal” life, vigilance is key.