Free for all to read:* "A Pattern of Missteps" -- The Editors on the tactical errors of the U.S. bishops in their prolife advocacy.* "Episcopal Oversight" -- Timothy Jost on what the USCCB is (still) getting wrong about health-care-reform legislation.* "Coalition of the Willing" -- Bernard Bergonzi reports from Great Britain on the recent election and the ensuing turmoil.* "Degreed & Unemployable" -- Columnist Charles R. Morris on the not-so-great economic forecast for college grads.Subscribers can log in to read our cover story, "Ratzinger at Vatican II," in which former Tablet editor John Wilkins compares Pope Benedict XVI's contemporary reports on the Council (published as Theological Highlights of Vatican II) with his present positions on church reform and governance. An online-only subscription is just $29, and will get you access to all the other highlights in this issue -- including Eduardo Pealver's recollection of his time clerking for outgoing Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, Denis Donoghue's review of Terry Eagleton's new book On Evil, and J. Peter Nixon's review of Fr. Jim Martin's The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything. Know someone graduating this season? Ease the transition with a gift subscription to Commonweal, in print or on the Web.

Mollie Wilson O’​Reilly is editor-at-large and columnist at Commonweal.

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