The author's story is in her HuffPo column (via Sullivan at The Dish) titled, "Why I Stay: A Parable From A Progressive Catholic." It is brief, on point, and spot on. She begins:

Certainly, the past weeks have been a cause for suffering for Catholics of all political stripes, but the suffering takes on a particular flavor for progressives. We are deluged by questions from those who think of themselves as our colleagues and comrades. Actually, only one question: "How can you still stay in the Church?"

Gordon provides an affecting parable by way of an answer, and concludes:

How do some of us stay in the Church? In grief, in sadness, with a resolve not to be shut out by those who say they are speaking in the name of the Father. We just don't believe them. The Church is not an institution; it is the people, people who are now wounded and scandalized, not only by the sexual crimes of priests, but more important, by the cover-up by those in power. In 1959 the election of Pope John XXIII was a surprise, a kind of miracle. It happened once. It could happen again. We wait, in stubborn hope, for the return of miracle. We want to make sure some of us are at home when it happens.

Read it all here.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

Also by this author

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