On our website now, our special Ninetieth Anniversary issue, with stories from Luke Timothy Johnson on what it means to be a Commonweal Catholic; from William Pfaff on his early, happy days at the magazine; from Margaret O’Brien Steinfels on the ongoing importance in today’s media-saturated world of the “considered opinion” Commonweal has made its signature; from a selection of young staffers (former and current) on what their time at the magazine was like; and from the editors on the “two faiths” that have guided (the) Commonweal since its inception ninety years ago.

Plus, an expanded section of book reviews (including pieces on the latest from John E. Thiel and Sue Miller); a new column from Mollie Wilson O’Reilly (“I’ve been wondering when my sons would take note of the one vocation they encounter on a regular basis that is limited to men, and what I would say when they finally asked, ‘Mommy, why can’t a woman be a priest?’ But now I’m more concerned that they won’t bother to ask at all….”); and a (highly recommended) feature from Francis Oakley on the all-but-forgotten Council at Constance, and why six hundred years later the issues it raised “remain profoundly relevant to our current ecclesiastical woes.” There’s still more: See the full table of contents for our Ninetieth Anniversary issue here.

Dominic Preziosi is Commonweal’s editor. Follow him on Twitter.

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