Our December 6 issue is now live on the website. We're continuing to feature installments from our symposium on raising Cathoic kids, and highlighted on the homepage today are pieces from Sidney Callahan (" 'Learning Humility, Learning Patience' ") and Peter Leibold and Liz McCloskey (" 'Be Who You Are and Be That Well' "). Don't forget, we're also collecting these stories on our special "Raising Catholic Kids" page, which you can find here; keep it bookmarked for easy reference and revisits.

Also from our new issue: Richard R. Gaillardetz states the case for married priests (subscription), Richard Alleva reviews 12 Years a Slave, and our Christmas critics (including Paul Elie, Alyssa Rosenberg, and Thomas Powers) offer their recommended reads (subscription). See the full table of contents here.

And if you're a subscriber, you can now download the full PDF edition. In fact, subscribers can download full PDFs of all our issues from 2013 -- just go to our past issues page and click on a cover. Not a subscriber? You can sign up here.

Dominic Preziosi is Commonweal’s editor. Follow him on Twitter.

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