Our new issue is now live. Among the highlights are stories on the misguided reporting and analysis of the Obamacare rollout (see Nick Baumann’s “Catastrophic Coverage”) and the equally misguided unwillingness of supporters to make the political case for a successful and increasingly popular program (see Rand Richards Cooper’s “Give It to Us Straight, Doc” [subscription]).

Also, Mollie Wilson O’Reilly writes on breastfeeding in the Bible—and in the church (see “Not So Fast”), while Donald B. Kraybill in our cover story looks at how America’s Amish not only manage to survive in our hypermodern world, but to thrive (see “Opting Out” [subscription]). See the entire table of contents for our March 7 issue here.

Dominic Preziosi is Commonweal’s editor. Follow him on Twitter.

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