A decade ago, who would have guessed that controversies about male circumcision would roil European countries and achieve resonance in the United States?
A new pastor walks a fine line between learning about a parish community and making administrative decisions. It takes time and balance and a lot of prayer.
There are three key doctrines where Aquinas’s arguments lead to perplexing conclusions: immortality, creation, and the nature of God as both one and triune.
"It’s not you. Well, it’s not me either. It’s the ‘us’ that needs…space," we said in perfect, twinny unison. It was our biggest split since the egg divided.
According to Thomas Piketty, the U.S. is the most inegalitarian nation in the world, and on current trends may soon become the most inegalitarian nation in history.
It’s bad enough that college is so expensive. But the toll exacted by the extra burden of student debt threatens the common good higher ed is meant to preserve.