What can boxing teach us about the good life? Gordon Marino riffs on Sartre, Kierkegaard, and Camus, finding that in order to save our lives, we must risk loving.
If American men and women were being drafted to fight in Afghanistan, there is not the slightest possibility the war would have dragged on for eighteen years.
For progressive DAs, being ‘tough on crime’ is a thing of the past. They’re rejecting Trump’s politics of fear in favor of fairness, rehabilitation, and community.
The Trump administration’s decision to cut SNAP benefits isn’t just stupid. It’s cruel. Ignoring the real conditions of poverty is a grave moral error.
A parasite is a homemaker, living in its host. In Bong Joon-ho’s new film it could be property, capital, commercialized art and artifice, or all of them together.
Guadalupe began as a paradoxical figure, both symbol of indigenous faith and tool of colonialist oppression. Now, she demands we listen to the poor and marginalized.
From 2019: The imaginary encounter between Ratzinger and Bergoglio is imaginative, and emotionally satisfying. But we need to remember that it never happened.
In an old-growth forest, everything is connected. No individual plant or animal, and indeed no species, is an island. As Pope Francis warns, we should pay attention.
What we find outside are physical manifestations of the holy, representative of the sloughing off of old skin, the salt of blood and the sea, signs of the divine.
The late German theologian Johann Baptist Metz believed theology was a culture of questions, not answers. Key to his theology was the unsettling figure of Christ.
Every crusade was both more and less than a religious war. No one had a monopoly on brutality, and economic motivations mattered as much as religious ones.
How did mainstream American Christianity became intellectually respectable and modern? The critical study of post-biblical Christianity played a key role.