Pell vs. Hitchens, way beyond the Thunderdome. (Or is it the Areopagus?) Zenit has it:

The first ever Festival of Dangerous Ideas will pit Sydney's archbishop, Cardinal George Pell, against one of the most prominent exponents of modern atheism, British journalist Christopher Hitchens.A press release from the Sydney Archdiocese announced today that this festival will take place Oct. 3-4 in the Sydney Opera House.In his address, titled "Without God We Are Nothing," Cardinal Pell plans to speak about secularism as a "minority sport and a temporary phenomenon" that only survives "by attacking Christianity or living off Christianity's moral capital."

I'm sure Hitch will be fine with that. If not quite "Commonweal Conversations," the event will likely be worth the price of admission.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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