You've probably seen the headline: "Dangerous exotic animals deliberately freed in Ohio."The proprietor of an exotic-animal farm in Ohio apparently freed the animals before taking his own life. You don't want to laugh at a story involving suicide and enormous dangerous irrational creatures, but what else can you do in the face of (non-hacked) highway signs like this?

And quotes like this?

"We just had a huge tiger, an adult tiger that must've weighed 300 pounds that was very aggressive," [County Sheriff] Lutz said. "We got a tranquilizer in it, and this thing just went crazy."

(They're now shooting to kill.)And video like this, featuring TV personality Jack Hanna (wait till the end)?

"This is like...Noah's Ark filled with tigers and lions and all leopards and a few monkeys or whatever and it crashes here and all of a sudden they're out there."

Well, if you're Jonathan Chait, you barely blink: "The dull truth is that the presence of diseased monkeys running loose in the streets does not change things much in Ohio."

Grant Gallicho joined Commonweal as an intern and was an associate editor for the magazine until 2015. 

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