David Ignatius has a column in the WashPost (Feb. 2) that lays out various scenarios for attacks-no attacks on Iran. He quotes Defense Secretary Panetta predicting an Israeli attack on Iran in the late Spring. There's a strong note that they'd have to do it on their own, but....A lot of leaking is going on including by Ignatius. So what is going on? Campaign season? Republican fodder for attacking Obama? Mere saber rattling? Preparing the U.S. for war?UPDATE: Leslie Gelb, former Times reporter and former president of the Council on Foreign Relations ends a piece on upping the diplomacy with this: "And here we Americans are in a presidential election year. At these times, the straps of restraint on tough talk and tough action are almost always loosened. Thats especially true when Democrats hold the White HouseDemocrats who are quadrennially scared stupid by the prospect of Republicans accusing them of being lily-livered liberals and selling out the nations security. Id like to see President Obama show the courage of offering a solid peace proposal instead of just drawing chest-thumping red lines. Meantime, he doesnt have to withdraw any sanctions or any red lines. Just cut the usual diplomatic and political baloney, and try. With so much pressure now being applied on Iran, it might work. In the midst of a barrage of economic and military pressures, it is not a sign of weakness or lack of resolve to offer peace. It is classic negotiating from strength." Daily Beast

Margaret O’Brien Steinfels is a former editor of Commonweal. 

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