Yesterday's New York Times featured a full-page ad placed by the Freedom From Religion Foundation advising "liberal Catholics" to leave the benighted institution.Though some might find it objectionable that the ad was accepted at all, the FFRF complained rather of the Times prior censorship of their freedom of expression. Lest I be thought to be indulging in hyperbolic rhetoric, here in their own words:

The Times required FFRF to alter its punchy headline, Its Time to Quit the Catholic Church, to Its Time to Consider Quitting the Catholic Church. Barker called that decision disappointing and a sign of the Catholic Churchs inordinate power to intimidate and muzzle criticism.

Happily the punchy cartoon was spared the censor's ax. Statement and ad may be found here.

Robert P. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, is a longtime Commonweal contributor.

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