I guess that's one way to read this story on the gala planned for the end of the Year for Priests:

Vatican City, Aug 14, 2009 / 10:19 am (CNA).- The Congregation for the Clergy, headed by Cardinal Claudio Hummes, announced this week that the Pope Benedict XVI plans to close the Year for Priests by convoking a huge meeting of priests from around the world between June 9-11 in Rome.Every Catholic priest in the worldthere are around 407,000is invited to the meeting, which will have the theme of Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of the Priest."

Maybe the nuns can fill in that Sunday? If the Vatican investigation clears them...This actually echoes the experience here in New York during last year's papal visit, when all New York priests were supposed to come to Yankee Stadium to help distribute communion for the Yankee Stadium finale. That would have effectively left parishes without the Sunday Eucharist, and a few pastors said thanks but no thanks.

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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