Winner gets a free year's subscription to Commonweal (via David Gibson) for a deserving, or undeserving, Catholic (or member of an ecclesial community) not themselves.Which world renowned author and evangelist said this?

"I've collected 370 different hot sauces traveling the globe. The hotter the better. I don't just believe in hell...I eat it."

A) Pope Benedict XVI, speaking to German journalist Peter Seewald in a new book, "Light of the World," officially released today, Tuesday.B) Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., speaking in Twitter in a tweet posted last Thursday.C) Other. Guesses welcome. (Tip: von Balthasar is incorrect, given his views on hell.)First correct answer wins. No Googling allowed. Native German speakers not eligible. Check back in for results. H/T: RNS

David Gibson is the director of Fordham’s Center on Religion & Culture.

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