Barry Hudock is the author of several books, including Faith Meets World: The Gift and Challenge of Catholic Social Teaching (Liguori).
Article A Larger Solidarity Far from being an oddity best ignored, "Populorum progressio" still offers vital resources for the dilemmas and decisions now facing the church. By Barry Hudock February 23, 2017 Theology Pope Benedict XVI Social Justice Vatican II
Article 'Freedom, Truth, and Human Dignity' Before the "Declaration on Religious Freedom" was created, church leaders warned that embracing religious freedom would betray the church’s doctrinal heritage. By Barry Hudock February 18, 2016 Bishops Books Ecumenism Ethics Theology Vatican II
Article ‘A Judgment upon Us All’ By Barry Hudock March 18, 2013 Health Care Higher Education Domestic Affairs Economy Health Care Higher Education Poverty U.S. Catholicism
Article True Then, Truer Now By Barry Hudock December 31, 2012 Pope John Paul II Vatican II Economy Pope John Paul II Poverty Social Justice Theology U.S. Catholicism Vatican II