As the EU parliamentary elections approach, it’s worth examining the confederation’s real structural flaws: its arcane rules work for some, but not for all.
As the United Kingdom’s attempted revolt against Brussels has stalled, two very different writers have drawn on memories of their own countries’ colonial histories.
One hundred years after the restoration of national sovereignty, Poland is failing to preserve the values forged in its struggles against totalitarianism.
On the ground reporting from the Philippines, where President Rodrigo Duterte’s attacks on the Catholic Church have called forth a renewed sense of solidarity.
The protests of the Yellow Vest movement are rooted not in President Macron’s failure to explain his policies, but rather in their fundamental injustice
As conservative media kicks up clouds of misinformation surrounding the Russia investigation, Robert Mueller continues his investigation with quiet dignity
Synod delegates have become increasingly outspoken about young people on the margins, calling particular attention to the suffering of migrants and refugees
American progressives are disturbed that social democracy, one of the last century’s most humane political movements, is losing ground almost everywhere
Fifty years ago, the “universality” in Catholic ethics meant absorption into the Roman way of viewing things; a conference in Sarajevo modeled another way
A new book by Jonah Goldberg calls for a return to liberal capitalism, but an elitist politics of moderation and insularity won’t solve the problem of inequality
A new compact on migration reveals a growing global consensus on the humane treatment of immigrants and refugees, but the U.S. under Trump remains an outlier
Correspondence between Czesław Miłosz and Thomas Merton on the myth of “Crucified Russia” partly explains Donald Trump’s bizarre attraction to Vladimir Putin
Contemplative observations of a memorial, Buddhist monks, and a car ride in Cambodia yield surprising realizations about connectedness in the modern age
For supporters of repeal in the Irish abortion referendum, the vote signified both a corrective to authority and a path forward for a contemporary country