Featured right now on the website, the latest from E.J. Dionne Jr., as well as our June 12 issue, just posted today.

In writing on the presidential candidacy of Bernie Sanders, E.J. discusses “The Two Santa Claus Theory” put forth by supply-siders in the 1970s and says that Sanders may be tapping into something:

The senator from Vermont has little chance of defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination. But he is reminding his party of something it often forgets: Government was once popular because it provided tangible benefits to large numbers of Americans...

Read all of “The New St. Nick” here.

And, among the highlights from our new issue is Robert Gascoigne writing on the affinities between Christians and the “secularists” who “share with Christians many of the key ethical values that can motivate and energize democratic political life.”

[The] significant commonality of ethical and political ideals between secular humanism and the contemporary Catholic Church has a complex and turbulent historical background. The litany of suffering of members of the church at the hands of revolutionary political movements is a long and terrible one. Yet the relationship between the Catholic Church and movements for democratic change and social justice has happily, and surprisingly to many, developed into a shared commitment to defending human rights.

Read all of “Shared Commitments” here.

And, Rand Richards Cooper pens a Last Word on the troubling ubiquity of smartphones and the baffling “universal desire to be connected everywhere and all the time”:

[T]hat’s America these days: people everywhere with their heads bent, fingertips flicking at their screens. Couples in restaurants, silently flicking. A schoolbus full of teenagers, heads bent as if in prayer.... But what happens when what we’re farming out is consciousness itself—the ability to be ourselves, with ourselves, amid the glories of creation?

Read all of “Flick, Flick” here, and see the full table of contents for the June 12 issue here.

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