Lawrence painted what he saw and what he knew: strivers and beggars, children and prostitutes, gamblers and preachers, and above all women, like his mother.
‘Selma’ dramatizes one moment in the civil-rights movement when Martin Luther King, wracked by doubts and intimations of mortality, could have put his goals on hold.
What you may have heard is how racially polarized the country is in its reaction to the shooting of Michael Brown. But polarization is the wrong concept here.
Falling crime rates mean that prison and sentencing reforms are among the few matters on which there is hope for cooperation across partisan and ideological lines.
It tells us something about America in 2013 that two successful African American men chose independently to underscore the same truth about Trayvon Martin’s killing.
A white Presbyterian minister’s 1963 reflection on the presence of white churches in the civil rights movement, and his personal account of the March on Washington
“We’ll do what we can... take these unoccupied buildings to start some hospices. A place to live and something to eat now, then we can plan on getting back the land”