Our historical moment has parallels to those years when nativists painted Italians and other immigrant groups as too poor, too dangerous, too defective
What will be the costs of President Trump’s stubbornly obtuse assignment of blame for Charlottesville and his comforting of white-supremacist afflicters?
The Catholic responses to the white supremacists who showed up to intimidate and inflict violence were a mix of encouraging, problematic, and inadequate
Heather Ann Thompson’s powerful book on the Attica prison uprising of 1971 forces us to think about how methods of incarceration are contrary to our core values.
“Loving” avoids the impersonal feel of most docudramas; it is a movie of soft voices in homely settings. History is made without cinematic exclamation points.
Willing the good to everyone doesn’t mean we ought to contrive a cheap reconciliation that ignores the danger presented by Donald Trump to our society and the world.
‘American Prophets’ is a true exercise in hagiography in every sense of the word, detailing the lives of modern saints while extolling their extraordinary vision.
The success of Trump’s dog-whistle appeal to race comes as no surprise to someone who observed the satisfactions that white Southerners took in segregation.
The powerful video images on which we fixate cannot answer the complex statistical questions needed to resolve the issue of police bias against black people.
Georgetown is taking bold steps to atone for its role in the slave trade. Catholic institutions bear a special burden, but they also have a unique opportunity.