Would we be silent at our monastery meals, or would we whisper? Would we hide in our cells or go off on chatty walks in the woods? Both/and, it turned out.
It's not the case that Francis has little interest in theological exchanges. Rather, interreligious friendships are more the basis for dialogue than its by-product.
in 1901, U.S. troops took as war booty some church bells that were rung as a signal for Filipino insurgents. For decades, Filipinos have been urging their return.
A pressing matter for the Catholic Theological Society of America: What can or should the organization do to be more welcoming to “conservative” theologians?
Francis’s new language and style have not been universally welcomed by the bishops, especially those in Italy, where the old guard seems especially recalcitrant.
Our problem as Catholics isn’t that same-sex marriage somehow uniquely represents Western society’s recent turns; our problem is those turns themselves.
The church should revise its attitude toward same-sex relationships; American Catholics should accept recognition of same-sex marriage because they are Catholics.
It's one thing to urge the church to prepare for political defeat on same-sex marriage, another to say it should preemptively cease to even make the argument.
People care passionately about their places of worship. That puts a liturgical designer like Lawrence Hoy in the line of fire, but that's just where he wants to be.
The court majority failed the empathy test and lost a chance to balance honor of religion's role in public life with the rights of those of all faiths.
A decade ago, who would have guessed that controversies about male circumcision would roil European countries and achieve resonance in the United States?