Dorothea Lange’s life of looking at others, especially those harmed by unjust systems, helped her see that victims were more than just their socioeconomic scars.
God is everywhere; for those who do not find him so easily in church pews, the ocean shore or a patterned turtle shell may be places to seek his presence.
Those of us stuck at home and not on the front lines can become numb. How should we feel about the hordes of lives being lost every day? How should we grieve?
Shouldn’t we be paying attention to those minor miracles of creation that occur all around us, even when we’re stuck at home? Marilynne Robinson can help.
The Mexican government has already ordered people to stay home, with Mexico City under lockdown. But in a small pueblo in the south, life continues as before.
Even as New York shows signs of progress, the toll of the coronavirus has been high. We speak with three people who’ve been dealing with the impact of the pandemic.
Isolation can foster new growth within families or communities despite physical separation, as we confront the crisis with generosity, solidarity, and care.
COVID-19 has profoundly affected our daily lives. Catch up with some of Commonweal’s best writing on the political and spiritual ramifications of the virus.
Some two decades ago, I took a cruise on the MS Zaandam. The Catholic rituals for the dead that I witnessed in Venezuela can help us process the death around us.
Our residence for retired priests in New York has already experienced two deaths. Even so, Christ is present in routine, natural beauty, and above all, prayer.
T.S. Eliot’s letters to Emily Hale, recently unsealed, reveal the extent of their thirty-year epistolary romance, and Hale’s undeniable influence on his poetry.
Besides the federal government, Catholic Charities is the country’s largest social-safety-net provider. It’s now facilitating access to food and mental health care.
Service, self-abnegation, solidarity, fraternity, courage: in the trial at hand, the grace of conversion is available to the whole of humanity—including the church.
COVID-19 restrictions have had a devastating impact on independent cinemas. But thankfully, a special program of films about nuns is now available online.
Community organizing and activism are happening beyond traditional parish structures, generating vitality and purpose from which many parishes could stand to learn.
We’re at a moment right now when physical presence isn’t possible. But in these next few days, picture it anyway, and the loving relationships that sustain you most.
The collection ‘Oblivion Banjo’ is a major work of American poetry by a poet who draws the reader into the inner workings of his imagination as few others do.
Corpus Christi gives parish Catholicism a jolt of Protestant spiritual energy, reaffirming Christ’s message of love, delivered by a criminal-cum-priest.
The coronavirus crisis will likely demand the kind of collective sacrifice not seen since World War II. It will also challenge how we live together in society.
The selves that constitute the poet Lawrence Joseph are particularly numerous and peculiarly unlikely: he’s a Catholic, a leftist, an Arab-American, and a lawyer.
Problems have solutions, while mysteries like suffering, love, and death do not. They must be instead lived out with attention to human richness and interconnection.
Lies and deception have compromised the integrity of the mission of L’Arche. But it has also responded with humility and integrity, and begun the work of healing.