Commonweal refused to abandon its belief in democracy or Catholic truth, arguing that in the modern world the health of one was related to the health of the other.
The appointment of Blase Cupich will have an impact beyond the Catholic Church because it tells us about the role Francis wants the church to play in American life.
Reading a new letter from the Vatican, one might think the sign of peace is floundering in the church today. In fact, it's one of the most successful rites we have.
The synod comes at a time when a huge gulf has opened up between the teaching of the church on sex, marriage, and the family and the practice of many Catholics.
Jennifer Senior’s 'All Joy and No Fun' is more serious than its playful cover implies. Why do people have children at all now that having them is not a necessity?
What some critics see as Rolheiser’s complacent, uncritical embrace of modern secular society is actually borne of his confidence in God's abiding presence and care.
A colonia is any “identifiable community” within 150 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border lacking potable water and decent housing. There are 141 in New Mexico alone.
In his short and perplexing concurrence on Hobby Lobby, Justice Kennedy offered a path to resolving the dispute over the Affordable Care Act's contraception mandate.
It’s unfortunate that the Obama administration’s initial, parsimonious exemption for religious groups helped ignite the firestorm that led to Hobby Lobby.
The Ayn Rand libertarianism that Paul Ryan has flirted with is fundamentally incompatible with Catholic teachings. But can Catholics still be economic libertarians?
To know you need help that you cannot somehow conjure up through your own power frees you. You have to turn from yourself to something outside yourself.
A pressing matter for the Catholic Theological Society of America: What can or should the organization do to be more welcoming to “conservative” theologians?
Our problem as Catholics isn’t that same-sex marriage somehow uniquely represents Western society’s recent turns; our problem is those turns themselves.
The church should revise its attitude toward same-sex relationships; American Catholics should accept recognition of same-sex marriage because they are Catholics.
It's one thing to urge the church to prepare for political defeat on same-sex marriage, another to say it should preemptively cease to even make the argument.
People care passionately about their places of worship. That puts a liturgical designer like Lawrence Hoy in the line of fire, but that's just where he wants to be.
According to Thomas Piketty, the U.S. is the most inegalitarian nation in the world, and on current trends may soon become the most inegalitarian nation in history.
From 2005 to 2010 adult baptisms fell by 41 percent. Those losses were masked by a gain in adult receptions into full communion; then those totals began to fall too.