Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell each has its own floor. Evoking horror, repentance and beatitude, more than 40 African artists exhibit a new look at Dante and divinity.
Charles Camosy believes we are “on the verge of a new moment in the abortion debate,” politically capable of compromise. But has he misunderstood Catholic teaching?
The effect of violence on the lives of children: high rates of depression, criminal behavior, domestic violence, rape, substance abuse, and acquired disabilities.
What’s remarkable about the postwar era is the speed and depth of Western Europe’s recovery. But do its problems today come from pushing the accomplishments too far?
Pinckney’s short history deals with basic things—Reconstruction, Ku Klux Klan terrorism, crude political machinations like Plessy v Ferguson—white people can forget.
When we affirm that Jesus is true God of true God, that must be understood absolutely. When we affirm Jesus is true man, that too must be understood absolutely.
Emma Thompson has descried fairy-tale possibilities in the facts of Effie Gray’s story; Kenneth Branagh does moderately well with an expedient “Cinderella.”
The pro-British kings archeologist-turned-spy-turned-colonel T.E. Lawrence helped establish in Arabia, Iraq, and Transjordan made “Arab unity” a “madman’s notion.”
Is humanity better or worse off believing in the sacred? Kitcher has not provided new reasons for declaring the death of God, but he certainly makes it seem foolish.
Often the way our society treats “senior citizens” assumes that as bodies age, individuality decreases. But aren’t whiskers and white socks a sign of unique wisdom?
Kansas City Catholics have been wondering whether Robert Finn would be replaced with a bishop who would put the safety of children first. They now have their answer.