in 1901, U.S. troops took as war booty some church bells that were rung as a signal for Filipino insurgents. For decades, Filipinos have been urging their return.
Cheney's Obama polemic would be outrageous even if our former vice president’s record on Iraq was one of absolute clairvoyance. But he was wrong in almost every way.
Republican leaders happily rode the Tea Party tiger when it was convenient. Now, Cantor has fallen to the forces he and his colleagues unleashed and encouraged.
New evidence shows that government-funded, early childhood interventions can actually help instill many of the virtues whose absence conservatives lament.
Robert Kagan endeavors to beguile while constructing a version of “truth” that ignores inconvenient facts. There’s a name for this technique: It’s called propaganda.
Even if use of solitary confinement brings short-term order to some penal institutions, it does serious damage to inmates and exacts a steep moral cost.
Our problem as Catholics isn’t that same-sex marriage somehow uniquely represents Western society’s recent turns; our problem is those turns themselves.
That the rise of the right in European Parliament elections resembles the rise of fascism in the 1930s is nonsense; sovereignty was the most important theme.
The church should revise its attitude toward same-sex relationships; American Catholics should accept recognition of same-sex marriage because they are Catholics.
It's one thing to urge the church to prepare for political defeat on same-sex marriage, another to say it should preemptively cease to even make the argument.
Gates saw himself as a manager working to get things done. But managerial skills used in the service of getting the wrong things done is of little help to anybody.
The National Climate Assessment report makes clear that the emission of carbon is causing climate change; this is not a hypothesis, but a scientific fact
Narendra Modi, often compared to Hitler and Mussolini, is intelligent and politically astute, and appears to be all things to all people, especially Hindu voters.
The court majority failed the empathy test and lost a chance to balance honor of religion's role in public life with the rights of those of all faiths.
Putin’s annexation of Crimea and threat to Ukraine are causing damage he perhaps did not anticipate: disorientation of the United States and division in Europe.
According to Thomas Piketty, the U.S. is the most inegalitarian nation in the world, and on current trends may soon become the most inegalitarian nation in history.