Nearly 90 percent of Latinos in a recent study cited a “moral duty” to preserve the planet for children and to respect ancestors’ legacy of care for the earth.
Francis is marking the second anniversary of his pontificate, and if anyone still has doubts about his views on the post-Vatican II Mass, they should doubt no more.
Highly skewed income distribution reduces social mobility. The locked-in advantages of children at the top of the income scale may already be irreversible.
Catholic social teaching has always staked out a middle-ground position that opposes both the excesses of collectivism and laissez-faire individualism.
Archbishop Cupich talks about immigration, abuse and accountability, what happened at the synod on the family, and meeting the needs of Chicago Catholics.
The charity of Americans does not meet the needs of America’s poor, yet the tax code reinforces reliance on giving to make up for an inadequate safety net.
According to Thomas Piketty, the U.S. is the most inegalitarian nation in the world, and on current trends may soon become the most inegalitarian nation in history.
The GOP’s obduracy on income inequality has kept the federal government from adopting any policy that might increase the take-home pay of low-income workers.
The re-emergence of a Democratic left will be one of the major stories of 2014. Moderates, don’t be alarmed: Its return is good news for the political center.
Battles over budgets and Obamacare involve a showdown over the role of government in stemming rising inequality and making our country a more fair and decent place.
For the Romans, 'luxuria' was the near-equivalent of Greek hubris. It has behind it the imagery of material excess leading to a diminished sense of cause and effect.
Lenders are often allowed to foreclose without significant judicial involvement, putting the burden on homeowners to prove the lender is not entitled to do so.
Our ability to govern ourselves is being brought low by a brew of right-wing ideology and a shockingly cruel attitude toward the poor on the part of the GOP.