In the fourth week of Advent, we celebrate the authentic encounter between Mary and Elizabeth, seeking to welcome one another with that same grace and respect.
With John the Baptist and Mary as our guides, we can rejoice—not because our troubles have come to an end, but because we see the nativity of Jesus on the horizon.
Despite the personal, political, and institutional disappointments of the year, Advent gives us a time to lift our heads and seek new life in unexpected places.
The Norbertines in Santa Maria de la Vid understand that moving forward means adopting a flexible style of living and working in the Albuquerque community.
From the archives: In entering into the mystery of all saints and all souls, we can't be sure what we'll encounter but we embrace fear and obscurity even as we hope.
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In the face of precariousness and uncertainty, religious orders and lay Catholic communities model how to live in relation with both one other and God.