Studies reveal a deeply divided America in which members of different “tribes” live separately from one another. Religious affiliation also separates them.
Contemporary liberal political philosophers are kindly disposed toward the idea of religious liberty but eager to contain the influence of religion over politics.
It is a mark of Antonin Scalia's pioneering influence that originalism and fidelity to text have become a staple of the Supreme Court’s interpretive methodology.
Will severing the connection marriage has forged between sex, procreation, and family formation undermine the expectations our culture places on the institution?
Lenders are often allowed to foreclose without significant judicial involvement, putting the burden on homeowners to prove the lender is not entitled to do so.
'America’s Unwritten Constitution' is a novel and often persuasive analysis of how our written Constitution blends with an unwritten one to form a coherent whole.
We like to think of the Supreme Court as above politics. But its actions must now be viewed through the prism of the conservative movement’s quest for power.