Jane McAlevey believed that the only reliable way to improve working conditions and create a more just society is for people to build their power to strike.
Democrats have been in denial about Biden’s deteriorating condition for a long time. The debate made it obvious that they can no longer afford such complacency.
The coalition that Kathy Hochul unexpectedly activated has not won anything concrete yet—but it has demonstrated that it is possible to advocate for congestion pricing.
If the Church really believes in the indelible dignity of LGBTQ+ persons, it can’t just express sorrow for past abuses or offer words of welcome. It has to actually do something.
‘Dignitas Infinita’ does have good suggestions for addressing questions about sex, gender, and rights. They just don’t appear in the “Gender Theory” section.
Contrary to the oft-hurled objection to peace movements, “But what about Hitler?,” nonviolent action was successful enough to pique imaginations even under Nazi occupation.
From the archives: Knowing what nuclear weapons can do, and knowing we’ll probably never be rid of them, it’s clear why military men tell themselves, and everybody else, the bombs will never be used.
Public figures should expect journalistic scrutiny, precisely because they are public figures. This includes those who bring their faith into the public square.