It may seem ageist or unkind. But Americans should be forgiven their hesitancy in returning someone who will be eighty-two years old to the nation’s highest office.
Has the United States learned anything from Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? The same assumptions that led us into those conflicts have now led us to Ukraine.
“Happily, Helsinki is not all geopolitical excitement. It is also lumberingly omnipresent trams, for which I quickly come to feel something close to love.”
The Synod needs every bit of constructive help it can get. But mischaracterizing the Instrumentum is not helpful. Nor is raising the specter of Joachim of Fiore.
Brad DeLong’s expansive economic history is organized around a question: Why, despite constant innovation, haven’t we solved our deepest economic problems?
The false argument against restoring women to the ordained diaconate—that women cannot image Christ—is the cause of the disrespect for women on every continent.
Trump’s entire project is to overturn the sexual and civil-rights revolutions. Jeff Sharlet’s new book suggests Trump has a whole army ready to help him.
Those who want Catholic health-care institutions to remain substantively Catholic must articulate a more robust definition of pluralism and conscience rights.