The United States has contributed to the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen. We have a moral duty to make sure that children do not starve there as a result.
Human anthropology and sexual ethics are subject to change. But the knowledge that we were created in the divine image to love and be loved is eternal.
Sohrab Ahmari’s latest book attempts to answer fundamental questions. But his foggy appeal to tradition misunderstands its purpose and potential in our lives.
The United States and its partners must continue to view Putin’s crimes with moral clarity while also emphasizing prudence and diplomacy in responding to them.
Systemic and partisan barriers have slowed our progress against the pandemic, dragging out the crisis. But as we seek a return to “normal” life, vigilance is key.
After a year of nonviolent demonstrations, Indian farmers succeed in forcing the repeal of three laws that would have deregulated India’s agriculture sector.
Indifference toward the migrant crisis has lately become even more tinged with hostility to migrants themselves—and opposition to the right to migrate at all.
It is time to be clear and firm with both Russia and Ukraine, encouraging them to adopt the Minsk II protocols rather than escalating military tensions.