“Here in the overlap of the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of Vatican II and of the Cuban missile crisis, the latter has largely overshadowed the former.”
The mangling of American history has served to reinforce racism at the most fundamental level: through the stories and ideas we have passed on to our children.
In 2002, the recently deceased Archbishop Rembert Weakland resigned amid a sex scandal. The end of his ecclesiastical career was the start of a spiritual journey.
From the archives: German theologian Gregory Baum reflects on the mysterious and promising early days of the Second Vatican Council, sixty years ago this month.
When we talk about abortion in America, we must talk about the suffering, shame, and guilt caused by the belief that it’s wrong to have a baby when you’re poor.
Evangelicals inflicted misgovernment and disgrace on their fellow Americans to overturn Roe. Quite possibly, their fellow Americans will not thank them for it.
Pro-choice advocates tout the relative safety of abortion versus pregnancy. But more access to abortion doesn’t address the United States’ abysmal maternal care.
As bizarre as Viganò’s claims are, we cannot ignore that a Catholic archbishop actively assisted Steve Bannon in spreading the Big Lie leading up to January 6.