We are locked up in our own little worlds, trying not to get hurt too much or screw things up, and we have our backs to the fireworks going on all around us.
Critics have described Cormac McCarthy as a writer beyond good and evil. But beneath the neuter austerity of McCarthy’s prose, a keen moral imagination is at work.
Beyond his many accomplishments as a theologian and public intellectual, Tim Keller ultimately triumphed as a pastor—as a man who shared the good news with kindness.
East Africa is in the midst of the worst drought in living memory. Devastation here will not be the result of some natural evil so much as our own lack of care.
A faithful response to God’s call to evangelize is to sharpen our faces and our communities like flint—not as weapons, but as tools of creation and sustainability.
For Fr. Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti, fundamental theology should incorporate the methods of scientists as well as philosophers in exploring basic doctrine.
Christ was not worshiped for the manner of his death but because he was raised from the dead. Any history of the Christian martyrs must understand that fact.
During Lent, we work to move with more determination toward our place of ultimate belonging. We have heard stories of that kingdom that cannot be un-heard.
Vatican II was a time of rising expectations for theology, for how much it could transform the Church and the world. Have those expectations been betrayed?
From 2020: Pope Francis addresses the English-speaking world as the coronavirus pandemic now reaches the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
From 2016: Francis offers a practical approach to the challenges of married love that gives us a surprisingly moving exhortation to a courageous way of life.
“Even before Ash Wednesday, our lifestyle was rather Lenten. A kind of full-time fasting: vigilance when we’d like to rest, discipline when we’d like to indulge.”
Pope Francis has made it plain that he doesn’t like “casuistry.” But this form of moral reasoning can be made consistent with Francis’ teaching on God’s grace.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI didn’t turn his back on Vatican II: he endorsed its core ideas, emphasizing the person of Christ and our role as Christ’s body.
On this episode, Kim Haines-Eitzen tells us about sonic landscapes, and how the ancient monastic practice of deep listening can enrich our communities today.